American Friends Service Committee (AFSC): Quaker organization that mobilizes Friends for social justice, peace, and humanitarian service, including and especially in Israel/Palestine, with weekly action hours, events, and resources
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL): Quaker advocacy organization with local chapters throughout the country whose lobbying is focused on halting weapons shipments to Israel, reducing U.S. tax dollars for war, and providing humanitarian aid to those in need in Israel/Palestine
Quaker Palestine-Israel Network (QPIN): network of Quakers across the country who meet monthly and share strategies on how to inspire Quakers and politicians in the U.S. to commit to peace & justice in Israel/Palestine
Middle East Collaborative: a group of Friends from the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) who host workshops, endorse humanitarian initiatives, and offer advice to PYM leadership on current issues relating to the Middle East
Quakers Advocating Justice for Palestine (QAJP): Quakers from the New England Yearly Meeting who organize Palestine-Israel programs, foster minutes supporting Palestinian human rights, organize trips, and raise money for Ramallah Friends School.
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO): Quaker advocacy organization at the UN calling for an end to the bloodshed and access of UN humanitarian agencies to Gaza and those in need