Quaker Sumud
1. Colonial Conspiracy, 1917
2. Ethnic Cleansing, 1948
3. Occupation, 1967
4. Destruction, 1982
5. Apartheid, 1987
6. Siege, 2000
7. Plausible Genocide, 2023
Action We Can Take
Quaker Solidarity
Palestinian Quakers
Jewish Solidarity
Christian Solidarity
Black Solidarity
Indigenous Solidarity
History & Its Role
The Future
International Law
News Sources
Palestinian Voices
Freedom of Speech
U.S. Complicity
Continued Learning
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Name Make Keep
What is your institutional affiliation, if applicable?
E.g., Quaker meeting, place of worship, organization, school, etc.
I affirm
All are welcome in this workshop. It is a safe space for reflection and inquiry to explore fundamental questions central to the history of Israel-Palestine. Friends may enter this workshop with different levels of prior knowledge on the topic — the teach-in portion of the workshop will equip us all with a common foundation based in historical fact.
Friends may also enter this workshop with different perspectives. During the discussion portion, Friends are encouraged to share their perspectives honestly and ask frank questions. Friends are also expected to listen and engage with one another respectfully, even if we do not always agree with one another.
Make Space
I affirm
Friends are asked to pause for a brief reflection after another person has spoken. Friends who have already spoken should give an opportunity to those who have not yet spoken before speaking a second time. In this manner, we will all grow together intellectually, spiritually, and morally.
Keep in Confidence
I affirm
Chatham House rules apply. In order to make this a safe space for discussion, no recording is allowed, and nothing shared in our Sumud sessions is for attribution without the consent of the person who said it. You may discuss the content of what was said with others afterwards, but not share who said it.