Author: Alex

  • 2/1-2: FGC Sumud Workshop

    Dear FGC Friends, welcome to our Sumud Quaker Study in Palestinian Self-Determination. Please post below any reflections or questions you have before, during, or after our FGC session on 2/1 and 2/2. Maybe your reflection is on something impactful you find while reading Prof. Khalidi’s book, Hundred Years’ War on Palestine. Or something that stands out…

  • 1/2: Sumud: October 7th & the Plausible Genocide

    Dear Sumud Friends, welcome to our seventh Sumud session on the October 7th massacres at the hands of Hamas and the plausible genocide currently unfolding in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli government.  Please post below any reflections or questions you have before the session as you’re reviewing the materials in the toolkit, which includes…

  • 12/19: Sumud: Second Intifada & the Wars on Gaza

    Dear Sumud Friends, welcome to our sixth Sumud session on the Second Intifada and the Wars on Gaza in the 2000s. This is a period of great violence, not only between Palestinians and Israelis during the second uprising (intifada) that followed the failure of the “peace process,” but also intra-Palestinian violence between Fatah and Hamas,…

  • 12/12 Sumud: Apartheid & the First Intifada/Peace Process

    Dear Sumud Friends, welcome to our fifth Sumud session on the First Intifada, which started in 1987, and the so-called “peace process” of the 1990s. This is the period when Palestinians rose up in a largely non-violent, grassroots movement to demand their right to self-determination in the face of the Israeli government’s Apartheid system of…

  • 12/5 Sumud: Destruction & the 1982 War on Lebanon

    12/5 Sumud: Destruction & the 1982 War on Lebanon

    Dear Sumud Friends, welcome to our fourth Sumud session on the 1982 war on Palestinian refugee life in Lebanon. This is the period when Israeli forces scorched the earth of West Beirut with bombs from the air and fomented the massacre of Palestinians in refugee camps. Please post below any reflections or questions you have…

  • 11/21 Sumud: Occupation & 1967 The Naksa

    Dear Sumud Friends, welcome to our third Sumud session on the 1967 occupation of the entirety of historic Palestine, or the “Naksa” (set-back). This is the period when Israel seized the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem — as well as the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and Golan Heights (Syria). Please post below any reflections or…

  • 11/14 Sumud: Ethnic Cleansing & The Nakba

    Dear Sumud Friends, welcome to our second Sumud session on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, or the “Nakba” (catastrophe) of 1948. This is the period when 750,000 indigenous Palestinian people were forced from their homes or fled the violence of Zionist forces.  Please post below any reflections or questions you have before the session as…

  • 11/7 Sumud: Colonial Conspiracy & Palestine Prior to Partition

    11/7 Sumud: Colonial Conspiracy & Palestine Prior to Partition

    Welcome to our first session on Palestine prior to partition (a land with a people), and British imperial designs to take over Palestine and promise it as a Jewish homeland. Feel free to post below any reflections or questions you have before the session as you’re reading or reviewing the materials in the toolkit. (You’re…

  • Welcome to Sumud!

    Welcome to Sumud!

    Dear Friends, Welcome to the “Sumud” Quaker Study! Sumud is the Arabic word for determination, perseverance, and resilience. This is an apt theme given the determination Palestinian people demonstrate in asserting their right to self-determination. I am so excited to discuss the history of Israel/Palestine with you and reflect together on matters of Peace and…